Web Copywriting

Promote Your Business Online With

Powerful Website Copywriting

Your website should be your most effective Sales Agent. It works 24/7. It never has a bad day and gets impatient. It communicates your business message accurately, incisively, and engagingly.

It has a global reach. Or does it?

 How well does your website stand up to these 5 tests?

  1. Visibility.  Put the key words that describe your business into a search engine (not your business name).   Are you on the first page of results?  If not, your website needs some help with SEO and content development.
  2. Time on site.  Check your analytics.  How long are people spending on your website?  If it’s less than a minute then you need to develop your content.
  3. Effectiveness.  How many qualified leads does your website attract each week?  If it’s not helping your marketing effort, you need to add more keywords and content to increase your reach so that it does.
  4. Value.  Check your analytics.  How many pages do visitors look at?  If they found you through a search engine every page should give them valuable information and be of interest to them.
  5. Clarity.  Does it really communicate who you are, what you do and how you can help them?  Your home page should leave visitors in no doubt about who you are and what you do, so that they can quickly decide that you can solve their problem.

How Can I Help You?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – If your website is invisible, then I can help you improve your visibility by optimizing your existing content for relevant key search terms, writing new SEO-friendly content, and suggesting other material which you might like to add because once visitors have found your site, they need to know exactly what training you provide and how engaging you can expand their business.

As Search Algorithms become more sophisticated, the human touch becomes much more valuable. Google’s latest update once again penalizes sites which are full of automated tricks for ranking, and promotes sites which provide genuine value, and human appeal. I do not automate my writing or stuff it with keywords to fool the search engines. My writing is meant to be read – and enjoyed – by the people who are looking for training in your particular specialty.

In addition to optimizing your basic website content I can also write effective Landing Pages and Sales Pages for your executive coaching and professional development services.

Continued Engagement – Getting people to your website the first time is only part of the problem. You want to stay on their horizon by engaging them, and providing them with a steady stream of valuable information through Newsletters, Blogs, Autoresponder emails, and Social Media.  That way, when they’re ready to buy, they will already know and trust you.

Articles or blog posts help potential clients get to know you better, and keep them on your site for longer.

I can help you develop a Social Media Strategy that fits your business goals, and resources so that you increase your business’ reach in this vital arena.

Autoresponders enable you to stay on your clients’ horizon and provide them with a regular stream of valuable content which develops trust.

If your business can do with some help in these areas, contact me and we can discuss a strategy.